Treatment for dandruff and hair loss

Dandruff occurs in the form of white flakes that shed from the scalp. Now, there are various kinds of drugs and medications available in the market to treat hair loss and dandruff, but questions have always been raised upon the effectiveness of such medications. There are dozens of natural ways with no side effects that can treat you hair loss, dandruff and various other health problems.

Treatment for dandruff and hair loss

Hair loss and dandruff are the most grating disorders so many people suffer from. Such disorders have a depressing effect as well on people. Dandruff is a skin disorder that affects our scalp. Dandruff occurs in the form of white flakes that shed from the scalp. Now, there are various kinds of drugs and medications available in the market to treat hair loss and dandruff, but questions have always been raised upon the effectiveness of those drugs and medications. In addition to probable ineffectiveness, these drugs have certain side effects that may range from as inconsequential as scalp itching to as hazardous as sexual dysfunctions. So it completely depends on us whether we still want to resort to these medications or look for some other ways to solve our problem. Well, in case you choose the second option, I have to tell you that you haven't mad a bad choice.

There are dozens of natural ways with no side effects that can treat you hair loss, dandruff and various other health problems. These methods have a beautifying effect on the overall personality of a person as well, apart from helping him get rid of disorders.

Oil massages have been considered from ancient times as the best remedies to keep hair and skin healthy. They not only give shine to hair and make them look beautiful, but oil's disinfectant properties also prevent any kind of infection that scalp might suffer from, like fungal or yeast infection. A paste of black gram and fenugreek should be applied to hair, which promotes the growth of hair follicles and helps curing dandruff. Dhurvathy thaliam is an Ayurvedic oil tailor-made for people suffering from hair loss. This oil can be applied one hour prior to bathing. During this time it penetrates into hair roots and it should then be washed using the paste of black gram powder. It also helps in removing dandruff. Herbal products also help in nourishing the scalp and curing dandruff thus preventing hair loss. Hair should be rinsed thoroughly with vinegar and lemon juice. The result is dandruff free long and lustrous hair.

So using these traditional methods one can really get rid of so many disturbing ailments relatied to skin and hair. The fact that these medications are incredibly cheap, makes it an icing on the cake.