Preventing Hair Fall in Men

There are various kinds of medications available in the market to stop hair fall among men. Though most of them are still not proven effective, but there still are some drugs that have proved potentially effective to curb hair loss and result in hair regrowth.

Preventing Hair Fall in Men

Hair fall has been a reason for anxiety in men for decades now. Androgenic alopecia is the most widespread type of hair loss experienced by men. The hormone, Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for this type of hair loss and it affects the front, top and the crown of the scalp. So it leads to bald spots all over the head along with receding hairline. There are various kinds of medications available in the market to stop hair fall among men. Though most of them are still not proven effective, but there still are some drugs that have proved potentially effective to curb hair loss and result in hair regrowth. If taken according to the prescribed instructions by specialists, these drugs can make a difference and promote hair growth.

Approved by Food and Drug Administration, Finasteride is a medicine that can be taken in the form of pills. It prevents the testosterone from converting into a hormone, Dihydrotestosterone, which shrinks hair follicles resulting in hair fall. Finasteride blocks the action of this hormone. Prostate glands in men also contribute to hair fall in case they are over active or under active. Finasteride helps in treating this issue as well. Process of hair regrowth is slow and takes time to start but reduction in the rate of hair fall is becomes evident in few weeks. The side effect associated with this drug is the erectile dysfunction, a rare case though.

Minoxidil is also an available option for people suffering from hair fall. It is also known as Rogaine, and is available over-the-counter: no prescription needed. It is available in the form of a lotion or liquid. It prevents hair follicles from shrinking and strengthens hair from its root. Bald spots slowly and gradually start to get covered and the process usually starts from the third or fourth. The discontinuation of the medication results in stoppage of any more hair regrowth. Side effects of this drug is scalp itching.

If used in consultation with specialists, such medications can prove to be very useful in curbing hair loss problem.