Facts about Hair Fall

Hair fall is one of the most disturbing disorders of the body that has a psychological effect on many people suffering from it. What makes things worse that hair fall has become a very common phenomenon today.

Facts about Hair Fall

Hair fall is one of the most disturbing disorders of the body that has a psychological effect on many people suffering from it. What makes things worse that hair fall has become a very common phenomenon today. Beautiful and well-styled hair is a boost to anyone's appearance and that is the sole reason why so much importance is given to its maintenance. So when we notice a receding hairline while looking in the mirror, that is when we realize the horror of that receded hairline pushing back even further.

Alopecia is the medical term used for phenomenon of hair fall. Alopecia might result in a person going totally bald. Though it occurs in patches all over the body, but scalp is the most affected area due to it. Men and women, both suffer from this disorder, which is a cause for stress for almost everyone who experiences it.

Although Losing about 50-60 strands of hair in a day is considered normal, but when a person is losing excessively more hair than that, that is when the panic buttons need to be pressed.

Heredity is said to be the chief reason for hair fall. The genetic disorder is responsible for many losing their hair at quite a young age. It usually is in the form of hormonal imbalance. In men, it is usually genetic, as a person can inherit this type of disease from his parents. The hormone, Dihydrotestosterone, shrinks the hair follicles. It is also caused if Thyroid glands are over-working or under-working. In women, the period during and after pregnancy causes some hormonal changes. It continues till few months after pregnancy and there is little one can do about that, primarily because it is advised not to take any sort of medication that may have negative side effects and may harm the child.

Many people complaining about hair loss also suffer from fungi or bacterial infection on their scalp. This causes dandruff and hair loss. There are medications available to treat this type of hair loss.

People suffering from high blood pressure or heart problems are used to taking many medicines. Those medicines affect the health of hair. Hair loss is also an after effect of any kind of surgeries that a person has undergone. Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which the people suffering from it has the tendency of pulling their own hair. It weakens the hair from their roots and results in hair loss. Also causes scarring of scalp occurs due to tightly knit or tugged hair that further results in hair fall.

There are many companies in the market who come up with all sort of medications to claim that they are best for our hair. Although some of them are effective but they are also ridden with side effects. One can also resort to Ayurvedic treatments and homemade remedies to treat hair loss.