Alopecia is a type of hair loss that affects people of all ages. Alopecia is the medical term used for the occurrence of hair fall. There are many known types of Alopecia which affect different parts of the body to different extents.
Types of Alopecia
Alopecia is a type of hair loss that affects people of all ages, that is to say, even kids. Alopecia is the medical term used for the occurrence of hair fall. There are many known types of Alopecia which affect different parts of the body to different extents.
Alopecia areata is a type of alopecia that generally occurs in men. In this, hair loss occurs in patchy area on body and particularly in the scalp and beard hair.
Alopecia Universalis is the most feared type of Alopecia as it results in hair loss on entire body that includes scalp, underarms, public hair and even eyebrows and eyelashes.
Alopecia Totalis In rare cases, hair fall on the entire scalp is experienced. It results in total bald head. This condition is called Alopecia Totalis.
Alopecia Mucinosa- This is again a type of hair loss that occurs in patches on the body. Face, neck and scalp are the most affected parts of the body in most cases.
Androgenic Alopecia- It is a male pattern hair loss which begins with thinning of hair. The strands of hair are rendered thin to the point of being transparent. The hormone, Dihydrotestosterone, is responsible for this type of Alopecia.
Traction Alopecia- This type of alopecia is a result of strain put on hair. Tightly tugged pony tails, rebonding of hair and experimenting with different hairstyles causes Traction Alopecia.
There are some medications available in the market to treat Alopecia. How effective they are, depends on different body types of individuals.