Alternative Medicine for Hair Loss

Hair loss was always a chronic problem for countless people, especially among aged population. Before just relating the importance of alternative medicine for hair loss let us have a brief understanding of the inefficacy or inconsistence of mainstream drugs and medication in stopping hair loss.

Hair loss was always a chronic problem for countless people, especially among aged population, but since a few decades the premature hair loss and balding is continuing to grow among people of younger age group and so the treatment of hair loss got such a momentum and became subject of increasing number of medical researches and study. Before just relating the importance of alternative medicine for hair loss let us have a brief understanding of the inefficacy or inconsistence of mainstream drugs and medication in stopping hair loss. First of all the approach modern drugs and medication is mainly external and curative in general. Secondly for treatment directed towards hair regrowth maintains either uses drugs that are otherwise harmful for the internal organic functions or make cosmetic solution like hair replacement surgery, scalp vitalizing products etc. On the other hand medication grossly termed as alternative medicine for hair loss considers the phenomenon of hair loss as a purely internal one which needs to be treated by restoring the balance of our psycho somatic unity.


Ayurveda in coherence to its basic principle consider the phenomenon of Hair loss intricately related to our metabolism and so instead of providing stress on external hair care and treatment it focuses on taking care of the internal organic factors responsible for premature hair loss. In Ayurveda the hair cells are considered as breakdown cells of bone or Asthi cells. So, according to Ayurveda the disturbance relating to the metabolism of these cells is sure to translate in hair loss problem. For hair loss Ayurvedic treatment primarily targets to restore the metabolic process in its proper state and thereby ensure nutrition to the scalp and hair cells. In Ayurveda there are 3 principal doshas or bodily constitutions, respectively as Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each one of them is prone to separate types of imbalances related to different hair problems. Hair of people with Vata constitution is most vulnerable to premature hair loss followed by Pitta constitution, while generally the hair of Kapha constitution is lustrous and healthy in character. In Ayurveda it is the dominant priority to cure the Vata and Pitta imbalances to promote rejuvenation of scalp that would stop Hair loss and promote hair growth.


For countless people around the world homeopathy is considered as an effective solution among the medical treatments grossly termed as alternative medicine for hair loss. Like Ayurveda in homeopathy also it is believed that the problem cannot be readily treated by curative drugs and externally applicable medicines unless the responsible organic factors inside the body are addressed adequately and restored to their natural condition. In homeopathy the same medicine can be used in number of medical cases dependent on the responsiveness of the organic factors. Most important of all there is no side effects of homeopathic medicines as compared to curative drugs and this made it so popular a solution for chronic problems like Hair loss.


Nutrition is a vital factor in regard to stopping Hair loss, rejuvenation of hair root for promoting growth and for maintaining a healthy and lustrous hair. Though nutrition is still considered only important accompanying any other effective mode of treatment, it has been observed that for chronic problems like hair loss factors relating to nutrition can really play healing role. A balanced diet taken following an appropriate schedule can really work wonder in promoting healthy hair according to nutritionists. Proteins and minerals are most vital food ingredients for hair growth. Lack of Iron in food can cause anemic tendency and consequent hair loss. Zinc and biotin are other two important food ingredients without which you can experience thin and brittle hair quality. Besides balanced diet nutritional supplements containing essential minerals, biotin and certain protein can be effective for Hair loss problems though before using them consultation with nutritionist is extremely important.

Holistic stress and lifestyle management

Besides the array of natural treatment procedures commonly designated as alternative medicine for hair loss, there are some lifestyle attributes and factors managing of which is really beneficial for promoting hair growth and stopping premature Hair loss. Any type of mental and physical stress including work stress, physical strains, anxiety related stress and concerns can make you suffer from an array of factors that are directly related to hair loss. You manage stress better and consequently you sleep better and your organic response to nutrition and metabolism become normal which is too much important for rejuvenation of scalp and hair roots. So, managing stress and following a healthy and naturally validated lifestyle can be the key to solve your Hair loss problems.