Before we concentrate on the subject of prevention versus treatment as the solution of hair fall we must envisage the length of the problem and its impact on our life. Here we would see in details the comparative dimensions of prevention versus treatment as the solution for hair fall. There are great many preventive measures that are suggested for obtaining better result or for better outcome of the treatment.
Before we concentrate on the subject of prevention versus treatment as the solution of hair fall we must envisage the length of the problem and its impact on our life. Hair fall is one of the chronic lifestyle diseases that make millions of people suffer. Though the disease does not belong to the category of critical illness and life threatening diseases, it is viewed as a derogatory syndrome of health and grooming and normally the syndrome is associated with the notion of premature ageing. As the victims of the hair fall syndrome is steadily increasing over the years this has become a concerning area in the public domain and presently to checking the disease is a major concern for the medical researchers and practitioners all over the world.
Though like many other chronic lifestyle affected diseases of modern time hair fall is also having its root in the causes relating to irregularities of unhealthy living and consequently thought to be better addressed with preventive measures rather than medical curative procedures, presently all through the medical establishments and specialized clinics various types of treatment for hair fall are administered to the patients. It is surprisingly true that in spite of such huge medical establishments and initiatives for treating hair fall the solution regarding the disease still lies with preventive procedures rather than curative treatment of different types and this is even agreed by the most specialized medical practitioners all over the world. Here below we would see in detail the comparative dimensions of prevention versus treatment as the solution for hair fall.
How hair fall treatment is suggested by different practitioners?
Almost all medical professionals across the world agree that there is no conclusive and assuring way of treating hair fall permanently irrespective of various differences of scalp and other contributing medical conditions in various patients suffering from the disease. Almost all the procedures of treating hair fall agree on the rare or uncertain possibility of regaining lost hair through medical treatment. This is the reason why in most cases the treatment of hair fall primarily focuses on stopping the hair fall rather than regrowth of hair. Actually in bald patches where still the hair roots are alive can be expected to regain hair with proper treatment and in contrast to that bald patches where the roots have long been died mostly do not respond to the hair treatment for hair regrowth. In consideration to the debate concerning prevention versus treatment as the solution for hair fall it is noteworthy that in most treatment procedures apart from medications there are great many preventive measures that are suggested for obtaining better result or for better outcome of the treatment.
Most commonly hair fall treatment includes nutritional supplement and regular intake of certain minerals and vitamins essential for strengthening hair roots. Regular intake of balanced diet rich in protein, minerals and vitamins contributes to the nutrition that helps you strengthen the hair roots and better the scalp condition to stop hair fall. Secondly the use of certain medicines to supplement the deficient proteins and minerals in food is also widely prescribed. Thirdly some cosmetic products enriched with natural elements like aloe vera, olive oil, amla or gooseberry is widely suggested as to check hair fall.
How prevention is more dominant than so called medical treatment for checking hair fall
As we have already observed that even the most specialized treatment of hair fall is hugely dependent on the preventive measures that in a way guarantee the treatment to take effect better with them. Thus in a way in relation to our discussion regarding the comparative analysis of prevention versus treatment as the solution for hair fall we must acknowledge that prevention provides the basic medical ground for controlling hair fall and by far only preventive measures can only provide the assurance of checking hair fall. Stress free life with healthy habits of food intake and rest, cleanliness, a balance between relaxation and physical labor, use of natural elements rich in minerals and vitamins as much as possible in both food and external care of your scalp, are some of the most important preventive measures for checking hair fall.