Herbs Used to Stop Hair Fall

Using natural products is the first thing which is recommended to you, by your medical practitioner. The advantage of using natural herbal supplements that they are free from any hazardous effects.

Herbs Used to Stop Hair Fall

We come across a good number of people who are suffering from the disorder of hair loss. It is a severe problem for people, all around the world. People are always searching for a remedy to reduce or stop hair fall. Hair fall is a very serious problem, especially for men, above 30 years of age.

Most of the people undergoing this disorder often start using products, which promise to reduce hair fall. Many of them get frustrated as there is no change in their hair fall as the products fail to show a positive result. Using drugs may lead to harmful side effects.

Using natural products is the first thing which is recommended to you, by your medical practitioner. The advantage of using natural herbal supplements that they are free from any hazardous effects. In addition, there is no negative change in you result.

Hair loss leads to problems like lowering of self-esteem, poor communication skills and stress. People also feel that their appearance is affected badly due to hair fall. These problems among individuals are the reasons as to why the market is flooded with good hair fall reducing products and techniques.

Herbs are an important factor, which will help you in preventing hair loss. Herbs usually perform the function of increasing blood circulation in scalp and also help in stimulation of hair growth. It is still very important that you must consult a doctor before using herbs. Given below are some herbs, which help in stopping hair fall.

  • Dong Quai: This is a very well known Chinese herb, which contains phytoestrogens. It is believed to reduce the formation of DHT, which causes hair fall. Phytoestrogens are believed to stabilize and reverse the effect of loss of hair. Another importance of this herb is that is helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and also helps in relieving cramps. It is extremely popular in Chinese women.
  • Chamomile: This is another superb herb that will help you in stopping hair fall. It is basically a flower, which has salubrious and calming properties. This herb has been used by people for centuries due to its ability to induce sleep. It also helps in reducing dandruff, which leads to hair fall. Massaging this herb on your scalp will also help in promoting healthy capillaries, which help in supplying blood to hair follicles and scalp.
  • Ginseng: This is a very popular herb that helps in stimulating the growth of hair and helps in improving circulation in scalp. The herb also helps in nourishment and strengthening of hair and as a result, it prevents formation of weak and damaged hair. The other advantages of using this herb is that it helps in lowering cholesterol level, fights fatigue, increases the vital energy and helps in lowering blood sugar level in people suffering from diabetes.
  • Rosemary: This is a famous herb which is well known for stimulating growth of hair. This herb has been used since ancient times and is believed to lower the rate of hair fall. It also helps in reducing dandruff, which causes hair fall. This herb is extremely useful for preventing hair fall.
  • He Shou Wu: This is another famous Chinese herb, used for centuries. This herb is the main or basic ingredient used in many hair loss prevention products. This herb is used for retaining black color in hair along with prevention of premature hair fall. It also helps in strengthening the immune system and increases formation of RBC's.

Using herbs is a good remedy for hair loss and one must first consider opting for such a treatment rather than opting for artificial products.