Hair loss is a widespread disorder and equally widespread are the myths surrounding it. Setting the records straight, let us bust some of the myths.
Hair loss and the so called Myths
Hair loss is a widespread disorder and equally widespread are the myths surrounding it. Setting the records straight, let us bust some of the myths.
Hair fall syndrome is inherited from father's side.
It's true that hair fall is a genetic disorder in most cases. However, it's very wrong to assume that one gets this genetic disorder from only his father's side. It might be inherited from either of the parent.
Losing 40-60 strands of hair leads to complete baldness
It is pretty normal to lose 40-60 strands of hair in a day. If you are not losing more hair than that, then you can take respite from the fact that the fallen out hair grows back.
Wearing tight hats results in hair loss
This is another widely believed myth. Unless the hat is so tight that it cuts the circulation to hair follicles, wearing hat cannot cause hair loss.
Hair fall stops if we follow a practice of standing on our heads for few minutes everyday
Even though standing on our heads does stimulate the blood flow to the head, but it does not have to do anything with preventing hair fall.
Regular cutting of hair means thick and faster grown hair
Our hair is thicker at the base and relatively thinner at the tip. This fact makes some people believe that cutting it in short periods will result in thick strands of hair from root to the tip. It is also a common misconception that cutting regularly causes hair to grow faster.
Drying our hair vigorously with towel can cause hair loss
Drying hair with towel can only cause hair strands which are due falling according to the hair cycle. It cannot cause healthy or new grown hair to fall.