Diagnosis of hair loss often depends on Dermatologist and what kind of hair loss one is suffering from. Diagnosis of hair loss depends on what is causing hair loss like pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, chemical over processing and alopecia areata. Dermatologist collects information through questioning patient then he performs various tests to understand the real cause of hair loss.
Diagnosis of hair loss often depends on Dermatologist and what kind of hair loss one is suffering from.
Doctor considers many possibilities before coming to a conclusion while diagnosing a patient. He asks questions like what medicines you take, what allergies you have, and whether you have been dieting
It is normal to lose 75 - 150 hairs daily but a sudden increase in the hair fall is alarming. Hair loss can happen suddenly or gradually, person might loose hair in patches or face thinning of hair or premature baldness.
He also examines your scalp and hair, pull on your hair, remove a small piece of the scalp (scalp biopsy) and sometimes even take a blood test if necessary. Hair loss can also be due to physical or mental conditions. Doctor assesses all the factors before coming to a conclusion. Give the dermatologist accurate information.
Diagnosis of the Disease Causing Hair Loss
Diagnosis of hair loss depends on what is causing hair loss like pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, chemical over processing and alopecia areata. Dermatologist collects information through questioning patient then he performs various tests to understand the real cause of hair loss.
Diagnosis of hair loss diseases by questioning
In the beginning of diagnosis doctor finds out whether the hair loss is congenital, genetically inherited or acquired. Congenital disease remains present from birth. Genetically inherited disease is inherited and passed from a generation to another. Hair loss caused due to environment comes under Acquired.
For congenital questions related to family members are asked to know who else is suffering in the family.
Questions related to health, diet and lifestyle are asked acquired hair loss.
Identifying loss of hair with tools
Hair pull test tells the doctor about the quantity of hair being shed from the scalp. He grasps hair and firmly pulls the hair careful enough to avoid plucking.
Mechanism of the hair-pull test
Hair pull test gives the doctor an idea about the hair follicles residing in telogen state. Telogen hairs get easily pulled out. So if the hair comes out quite easily then it is the telogen state if no it is anagen state. Normally 15-50 hairs comes out more than that suggest some problem.
However, sometimes hair pull test may be wrong and it depends on how often the person washes or brushes his hair.
Hair pluck test
Also known as trichogram, in this test hair is pulled with rubber tipped tweezers to examine the roots.
It might be a little painful as the hair is plucked. It is then cut out from the upper end carefully enough keep the root intact.
Then it is soaked in a wet microscopic slide and a dye of 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde is applied. This colors the hair root of anagen hair. Telogen hair on the other has no affect of this dye. Number of telogen and anagen hairs strands is then counted and if there is any abnormality then it is identified.
Laboratory testing to identify hair loss
To identify some unexplained hair loss condition laboratory testing is carried out. Potassium hydroxide identifies any infectious disease like Alopecia areata or the scalp ringworms. Skin of scalp is mixed with potassium hydroxide to detect any fungal infection. Other tests are performed to identify the type of bacteria or fungi. Some times blood tests are also performed for viral infections and other inflammations.
Diagnosis through Skin Biopsy
In case of cicatrical alopecia skin biopsies are performed. A part of skin is taken from scalp and examined under the microscope to tests the intensity of damage of hair follicle. It also determines the presence and location of the inflammation. These tests are important to select the route of treatment for the hair loss.
Diagnosis of hair loss is important in identifying the causes of hair loss. It also helps dermatologist in successful treatment and to prescribe the best medical option. Modern medical facilities help in growth of hair as soon as the medication starts.